Success in observation of electron transfer (ET) during light energy conversion
Under the leadership of HOSHINO Manabu , Researcher, KOSHIHARA Shinya , Professor, and UEKUSA Hidehiro , Associate professor of the Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology; ADACHI Shin-ichi , Professor, Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization; and FUKUZUMI Shun-ichi , Professor, OHKUBO Kei , Specially Appointed Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, have been working on developing an efficient artificial photosynthetic system for the conversion of solar energy into chemical or other energy forms.
As can be easily understood, developing an efficient artificial photosynthetic system is a promising way for solving the problems of global warming and the depletion of fossil fuels. Many molecules to convert energy mimicking photosynthesis have been identified; however, molecules used in this research proved able of maintaining the state of conversion to chemical energy 1000 times longer than those of natural photosynthesis. Thus, the findings here are expected to contribute to concepts for designing an efficient artificial photosynthetic reaction center.
This achievement was achieved through the following three projects:
(1) Research project "Development of the frontier of nonequilibrium materials leaded by optical science" (project leader: KOSHIHARA Shinya, Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology) in the research area "Enhancing Applications of Innovative Optical Science and Technologies by making Ultimate Use of Advanced Light Sources," of the JST's Core Research for Evolutionary Science and Technology (CREST).
(2) Research project "Artificial Photosynthesis System" (project leader: FUKUZUMI Shun-ichi, Professor Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) in the research area "Solar Cell and Solar Energy System" of the JST's Advanced Low Carbon Technology Research and Development Program (ALCA).
(3) Research project "Observation of molecular movie during light energy conversion by time-resolved X-ray structure analysis" (Researcher: ADACHI Shin-ichi, Professor, Institute of Materials Structure Science, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization ) of the JST's Proposal-oriented Research Promotion Program (PRESTO) "Chemical Conversion of Light Energy".
Figure 1
Figure 2
To learn more about this research, please read the full research report entitled " Determination of the Structural Features of a Long-Lived Electron-Transfer State of 9-Mesityl-10-methylacridinium Ion° " on this page at the Journal of the American Chemical Society website.
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