Dental information system with tactile illustrations and braille explanation

Dental information system with tactile illustrations and braille explanation

DENTACT developed a step toward equal access to medical information

Oct 1, 2013

Under the leadership of MORISAKI Ichijiro (Director, Osaka University Dental Hospital; Professor, Division of Special Care Dentistry, Osaka University) a joint research team of the School of Dentistry at Osaka University ( MURAKAMI Jumpei , ZAIMA Tatsuya ) and the School of Medicine at Kobe University ( TAKAOKA Yutaka , SUGANO Aki , MIURA Kenji ), developed a dental information system with tactile illustrations and braille explanation, DENTACT and succeeded in putting it to practical use at Osaka University Dental Hospital. This system was awarded a 2013 Good Design Award.
This system enables dental institutes to provide visually impaired patients with dental information as has been the case with visually unimpaired patients. Thanks to this technology,  patients with special needs will be able to get more reliable medical information from medical institutes.

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