Verification of mechanism for third-generation DNA sequencing

Verification of mechanism for third-generation DNA sequencing

a step in the development of personalized medicines

Jul 11, 2012

Under the leadership of KAWAI Tomoji , Specially Appointed Professor, Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology, Osaka University, and TANIGUCHI Masateru , Professor, Department of Bio-Nanotechnology, Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, a group of researchers has verified the third-generation DNA sequencing mechanism, a world-first achievement. This achievement is expected to be a great step in the development of personalized medicines and safe regenerative medicine.
In the third-generation DNA sequencing technology, the base sequences of DNA and RNA are identified by the difference in electrical current passing through single-base molecules. Major universities and companies had competed in the development of this technology of third-generation DNA sequencing mechanism; however, success had been elusive.
The researchers in this group made a nano-gap electrode (the gap was about 1 nm), equivalent to the size of a base, using semi-conductor technology. The group succeeded in single-molecule electrical resequencing of DNA and RNA using a hybrid method of identifying single-base molecules via tunneling currents and random sequencing.


Figure 1

To learn more about this important achievement, please read the full research report entitled " Single-Molecule Electrical Random Resequencing of DNA and RNA " available at this page at the Scientific Reports website.

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